This is some very valuable information and I for one really appreciate you sharing. The information that you are sharing can and possibly will help a lot of people like me who’s buying a home for the first time. There are a lot of young people who has no idea where to start and you are helping them get their feet on the ground with this very valuable information that you are selflessly sharing. Budgeting is something a lot of us are not good at and with your help it gives us an idea where to sta
Many of us learn how to manage our own finances the hard way – through trial and error. That was true for me in my 20s – and true for Paris Woods, author of The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom: Build Wealth, Retire Early, and Live the Life of Your Dreams. We asked Paris 5 questions about her financial journey, the challenges facing Black women and men, and her advice for others seeking to gain control of their own finances.