
affordability calculators

Back-of-napkin calculations can only take you so far. With just a little info from you, we can help you understand what you can afford.

homebuyer resources

run the numbers

Home affordability calculator

Estimate how much house you can afford based on your monthly housing budget.

launch home affordability calculator

Monthly payment calculator

Estimate a mortgage payment based on the price of a home and a down payment you can afford.

launch monthly payment calculator

Rent or buy calculator

Compare the cost of continuing to rent vs owning a home.

launch rent or buy calculator

Down payment calculator

Explore what different levels of down payment might mean for your monthly costs, your savings and more.

launch down payment calculator

Buy now vs. wait calculator

Should you wait a few more years to save up for a big down payment, or is it smarter to buy right now?

launch buy now vs wait calculator

stories about buying a home

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