Luckily, there are still some things you can do to boost your credit score in the meantime. And even though DIY credit repair seems annoying, in my experience taking the time to improve your credit is worth it. Especially if there are errors on your credit report.
There are all kinds of ways information on your credit report can get mixed up. Maybe once you had an outstanding balance on a credit card and it went to collections. Since then you’ve paid it off in full, but it still shows up as unpaid on your Equifax report. A paid negative account looks a lot better to creditors than an unpaid one, so how do you go about getting your report corrected? Some people hire a company to do the dirty work for them, but anything a credit repair company can do, you can do too. DIY credit repair — for free.
Before you get started, you’ll need to obtain copies of your full credit report from the 3 credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Each agency maintains a separate file on you, so there could be different information on each report. You can get free copies of your credit reports once a year from