Being a resourceful millennial, Meghanne started researching her options. She discovered a private non-profit organization, called NeighborWorks® Boise, whose mission is to revitalize communities and offer affordable housing alternatives. This national organization builds pocket neighborhoods consisting of 10-15 energy-efficient homes, clustered together to form a close-knit community. Meghanne qualified for their program by meeting the income limit of $90,000.
Through NeighborWorks Boise, Meghanne found a newly-constructed home affordably priced at $184,000. At only 700 square feet, the adorable small house featured two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living area, kitchen, front porch and attached garage.
“I fell in love,” says Meghanne, “and the price was perfect.” And because the home wasn’t fully complete, she was able to personalize it by making decisions on the finishes.