
The secret to an easier moving day? Command Central

By Julie Tramonte

June 2024

By the time moving day rolls around, most first-time homeowners have ridden the emotional rollercoaster more times than they’d like – from stressing about whether their offer will be accepted and hoping nothing terrible comes up during the inspection, to worrying if the loan will be approved. 

You can avoid another bumpy rollercoaster ride on moving day with the right planning. Take it from someone who has lived through multiple moves: There’s something you can do to increase the likelihood of a relatively smooth and happy moving day.

Psst … it’s 2 words: Command Central.

Take control of your move

My secret is to create your own moving survival box – what I call my Command Central. Start by grabbing a sizable box and labeling it COMMAND CENTRAL in bold letters. For some reason, writing those words on the box gives me a sense of control over what I know will likely be a chaotic day. It also makes it easier to locate the box when it’s sitting in a maze of moving boxes. 

This designated box will be your lifesaver. You will fill it with everything you could possibly need to keep your move efficient, keep yourself from going crazy and keep your loved ones safe and happy. Once loaded with your moving survival items, make sure to keep the box beside you and not in the moving van. 

What goes into your Command Central?

Some of the items will be obvious, while others are situational or good to have “just in case.” Here’s what I suggest you include in your Command Central:

  • Toilet paper – probably the most important item of all! You can’t count on the former homeowner leaving you a spare square 
  • Phone charger – imagine your phone dying, leaving you to frantically search through a bunch of boxes for your charger. How could you order pizza to get you through the move?!
  • Tape measure – find out if your couch will fit through the door before it gets wedged in the doorway 
  • Tools (screwdrivers, hammer & adjustable wrench) – because sometimes you need to take doors off the hinges to fit furniture in your new house or to set up your bed frame 
  • Bottled water – yes, you have a faucet in your new kitchen, but which box has your glasses? 
  • Cleaning supplies (paper towels, bucket, sponges, cleanser, broom) – even if it looks clean, it’s not truly clean until you’ve cleaned it yourself
  • Extension cord – trust me, you may need one  
  • Box of tissues – moving can create a lot of dust; hence, sneezing
  • Pad of paper/pen – you may need to take notes or create lists about the house
  • Scissors/box cutter – make opening your taped boxes easier when you unpack 
  • Garbage bags – those water bottles, paper towels and pizza boxes are going to need to go somewhere once used
  • Power bars/snacks – moving is hard enough without getting hangry 
  • Hand soap and hand towel – moving can be dirty work
  • Medications – don’t put anyone’s health at risk because you don’t know which box contains the prescription drugs 
  • First-aid kit – knuckles can get scraped carrying boxes, fingers can get cut slashing open boxes and backs can get sore from carrying heavy items
  • Vacuum – you’ll be glad it’s handy so you can quickly vacuum before the movers place heavy furniture (and yes, I know it won’t fit in the box; keep it in your car with your Command Central) 

Additional things to include for parents of young children

The best tip is to find someone you trust to babysit your child at their house so you are free to focus on your move. But if that isn’t possible, be sure to pack these things (admittedly, some won’t fit in the box):

  • Covers for electrical outlets – you don’t want to worry about turning your back and having your toddler put their finger in a socket 
  • Pack ‘n Play – since you won’t be able restrict the movers from accessing different rooms, this will serve as a safe place to put your child while you get things done, and as somewhere for your tired little mover to nap 
  • New toys – having something new to play with will help hold your little one’s attention while you’re busy
  • Snacks and more snacks – as any parent traveling with a young child knows, snacks are the best entertainment of all
  • Comfort items like blanket or favorite lovies – unfamiliar places can be unsettling for little ones
  • Baby gates – have these on hand for after the movers leave and in case your toddler wants to explore the new steps

Extra stuff for parents of fur babies

In an unfamiliar place with strangers carrying boxes, even a normally obedient pet could freak out and run away – and that’s the last thing you need on a busy, stressful day. Pack these items in your command central:

  • Leash, rope and stake – keep your dog safely in one spot outside (the movers will appreciate not having your pet underfoot) 
  • Water bowl and food – plus treats!
  • I.D. on the collar – just in case your pet gets lost

Hopefully, preparing a Command Central box will turn your moving day from another emotional rollercoaster ride into an exciting end to your homebuying journey and the start of a new way of life.

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Julie Tramonte is a writer who joined MGIC in 2018. Prior to flying the coop, she wrote for a mattress company, a manufacturer and advertising agencies. She’s obsessed with reading, traveling, tennis and rearranging furniture. Mother of 2 beautiful, adult daughters. Empty nester who recently downsized. Her guilty pleasures are doughnuts and the Kardashians (don’t tell anyone).
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